
Flash Evaporation Drying Machine

Flash Evaporation Drying Machine

The flash evaporation drying machine is new and highly efficient fluid drying equipment which is researched and developed for the purpose of replacing the low-efficiency and high-consumption static drying previously used. We have used the features of ordinary fluid drying such as air stream drying, in the designing process, and have created a flash evaporation drying machine which is much more advanced.

Operating Principle of the Flash Evaporation Drying Machine
Hot air enters into the stirring, crushing, and drying chamber from the bottom of the flash evaporation drying machine at a high speed. It exerts strong shearing, blowing, floating and rotating effect to the materials. Therefore the raw material is granulated through centrifuging, shearing, impacting, and a friction effect. this strengthens the process of heat exchange. At the bottom of the flash evaporation drying machine, the large and damp granule is then crushed under the action of a stirrer. Then the small granule with less moisture is lifted by a revolving air stream, and thus drying is completed. This two-phase process allows for a large and fast drying capacity.

Sketch of Collocation
Type (A) Height (mm) (B) Length (mm) (C ) Width (mm)
XSG4 4600 5500 5000
XSG6 5500 6550 6000
XSG8 6000 7100 5600
XSG10 6500 8200 6700
XSG12 7000 8900 7000
XSG14 7800 10500 8500
XSG16 8500 14500 11000
Technical Parameters of the Flash Evaporation Drying Machine
Item Model Inner dia of main machine (mm) Air handing volume(m3/h) Evaporated capacity (Kg/h) Equipped power (kW) Max height (m) Cove area (m2)
XSG4 400 1600-2500 40-60 25 4.6 19
XSG6 600 4000-5500 80-120 37 5.5 26
XSG8 800 6000-7500 150-240 48 6.0 34
XSG10 1000 10000-12000 250-400 75 6.5 45
XSG12 1200 15500-18000 450-610 85 7.5 58
XSG14 1400 20000-24000 650-750 98 8.0 76
XSG16 1600 25000-30000 800-1000 135 8.5 110

1. The evaporated amount of moisture is calculated when the incoming temperature is 200℃ and the outgoing temperature is 80℃.
2. Customized models of the flash evaporation drying machine are also available.
3. The occupied area will vary based on different environments.

Dried Sample
Category Name of raw materials Initial water content (%) Final water Content (%)
Inorganic Slat Harlsalz Barium stearate 40 0.5
Zinc stearate 40 0.5
Aluminum stearate 45 2.0
Calcium stearate 40 2.5
Magnesium stearate 45 5.0
Carbonate Manganese carbonate 20 1.0
Cerium carbonate 31 17(include crystal water)
Zinc carbonate 80 0.5
Calcium carbonate 30 0.2
Oxide Zirconia 80 1.0
Iron oxide red 60 1.0
Zinc oxide 60 1.0
Chlorate Aluminum hydroxide 55 1.0
Cuprous chloride 45 1.0
Sulfate Sodium isocyanurate dioxide 25 1.0
Calcium sulfate 35 3.0
Sodium pyrosulfite 20 0.2
Other Silica 85 0.5
Lead sulfate 25 0.5
Sodium metasilicate 47.5 42.4
Organic chemical raw materials Fentin acetate 25 1.0
Acetoacetyl aniline 15 0.2
High test bleaching powder 35-40 3
Agrochemicals Padan 20 1.0
Monosultap 20 1.0
ABamectin 80 15
Pyridaben 25 0.5
Paclobutrazol 26 1.0
Methomyl 15 2.0
Quizalofop-p-ethyl 58 1.0
Mancozeb 30 1.0
Tricyclazole 28 1.0
Atrazine 40 1.0
Dyestuff pigment Fast blue 35 0.5
Reactive yellow 60 3.0
Sulphur bordeaux 60 3.0
Basic yellow 40 0.3
Dilblack 45 1.0
Sulphur blue 60 3.0
Lead chrome yellow 40 0.1
Catalyst Disproportionated catalyst 50 1.0
Molecular sieve type 24 2.0
Rubber accelerator 20-30 0.3
Pharmaceutical Guanosine 40 1.0
ucleotide,Vita yeast powder 40 6
Mohensin 30 3.0

Features of the Flash Evaporation Drying Machine
1. There are many types of feeding equipment to choose from for feeding that is continuous or static.
2. At the bottom of the flash evaporation drying machine, raw material do not come in contact with the heat surface directly, therefore the issues of carbonizing or color changing are avoided.
3. There is air pressure equipment and shaft cooling equipment, so the life of the machinery is extended.
4. Special equipment is employed for increasing the amount of hot air.
5. There are rotational flow pieces inside the flash evaporation drying machine drying chamber. They are used to control the moisture and granulation of raw material.
6. High efficiency is achieved due to the speed of the circulation inside the drying chamber.

Process Flowsheet

1. fan 
2.radiator of steam 
3.main machine 
4.cyclone separator
5. discharge valve
6.pneumatic hammer 
7.bag duster
8.pipe system
9. fan
10.control cabinet 
12.air filter

Related Names
Revolve Evaporation Seasoning Machinery | Gyrate Ablate Desiccators Device | Rotate Exhalation Seasoning Facility | Spin Transpiration Drying Equipment

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